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This Voice

This Voice

This Voice is a co-creative collaboration between Ceredigion Museum, award-winning writer Lucy Gough and diverse communities to create secret histories and fictional memoirs, taking inanimate museum artefacts as narrators, endowing them with subjectivity and personalities, though not always agency. Layering dialogue, music, ambiance, sound effects and captured sound environments to generate a unique tale through the observations and journey of the object.


Click on the images to play the sound pieces.

Read Iryna's Aeroplane script HERE

Aeroplane, 2001

artist, Peter Bailey

ceramic construction made of broken household pottery and wire

Read Victoria's Birthing Chair script HERE

Birthing chair, 1816

maker, unknown


Read Yasin's Piano script HERE

Piano, about 1845

maker, J&J Hopkinson, London


This Voice was generously supported by the Arts Council Of Wales.